Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Long Time No Writey

Sorry about the lapse. Finals were on, school's out, kids are now home, summer's here, and I'm happy to see the sun I tell ya.

What prompted me to post was a tiny article on Channel 9's news site. I'd like to see this go nation-wide:

Subdivision Plans To Ban Registered Sex Offenders
Construction Begins In August
POSTED: 9:46 am CDT June 13, 2006

LENEXA, Kan. -- Registered sex offenders won't be allowed to live in the new housing development in Lenexa, near Kansas Highway 10 and Woodland Road.
In August, construction begins on the Kansas City area's first sex-offender-restricted subdivision, probably only the second such development nationwide.
A Texas-based developer said his plan is an answer to a problem communities wrestle with -- how to keep sexual predators far from children and families.
Their first such project in Lubbock, Texas, has nearly sold out in nine months. Developer Clayton Isom said he is planning other such subdivisions in the Kansas City area after the Lenexa project is finished.

Why must child molesters maintain their rights to live in neighborhoods where children live?